diverse experience, dedicated to your results


Larry A. Haas


David J. Whelan


Solina S. Kwan


Jennifer Ebilane



Global Aperture launched in 2005 with a single mission: to improve the performance of client organizations through an innovative results-focused approach to strategic change management.

Founder & President Larry Haas brings a distinct combination of experiences and skills to help clients achieve breakthrough results. As a longtime consumer and service provider in a broad array of defense and corporate environments, Larry realized the need for a more effective way to develop and lead strategic change. This client-centric approach fusing strategy, alignment, and integration is the genesis of Global Aperture. The entire team shares Larry’s passion for client service and high-impact results, bringing together a powerful combination of technical degrees, MBAs, professional services / consulting expertise, and operating experience.

Based in Southern California, Global Aperture serves medium to large organizations across the country and around the world, with an emphasis on the aerospace, defense, and homeland security industries and in technology-driven, product development and manufacturing environments.


Contingency Planning in a Dynamic Market

There was turmoil in the executive level of a 4,500-employee organization. The volatile economy pointed to the possible need for cutbacks. At the same time, the market opportunity pointed to the possible need for mass hiring. This caused uncertainty and indecision among the executives and a major morale problem among the employees.

Global Aperture stepped in with a strategy to bring order and calm to the situation. Working closely with the executive team, we launched a 100-day contingency planning effort, conducting strategy sessions and making a detailed analysis of the situation. We monitored events with daily communication and worked to unite a team that stress had divided.

As a result, senior executives could finally get their arms around the situation, gain confidence, and instill that confidence in both employees and customers. The decisions we helped them make prepared them to deal with the economic and market uncertainties. The techniques Global Aperture taught them became standard practice for the company.

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