Leveraging Stakeholders to Ensure Success

A 10,000-person engineering division was faced with a major transformation: phasing out redundant, competing tools and processes and replacing them with common processes and tools across the organization.

Collaborating with key engineering leaders, Global Aperture executed on an approach designed to increase stakeholder buy-in and support, remove roadblocks before the implementation began, and help ensure success. We conducted a series of interviews and strategic planning sessions, leading to an integrated set of action plans.

As a result of these efforts, the project execution accelerated, redundant tools were rapidly identified for retirement, new replacement tools were deployed, and significant cost savings were realized.

Our Approach – SOS2ROI®

Whether it’s a single department or an entire business, every company faces challenges at some level. Creating the right changes for results is a necessity in today’s business environment. Unfortunately, the hardest part isn't identifying the problems, or even identifying the solution. The hardest part is aligning your team around the priorities and executing the highest impact changes until results are locked in.

At Global Aperture, our SOS2ROI program helps you align your strategy, your people, and your implementation. Our suite of tools helps to keep you focused on daily execution for maximum returns on your investments of people, time, and dollars.

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