

Our Approach





Contingency Planning in a Dynamic Market

There was turmoil in the executive level of a 4,500-employee organization. The volatile economy pointed to the possible need for cutbacks. At the same time, the market opportunity pointed to the possible need for mass hiring. This caused uncertainty and indecision among the executives and a major morale problem among the employees.

Global Aperture stepped in with a strategy to bring order and calm to the situation. Working closely with the executive team, we launched a 100-day contingency planning effort, conducting strategy sessions and making a detailed analysis of the situation. We monitored events with daily communication and worked to unite a team that stress had divided.

As a result, senior executives could finally get their arms around the situation, gain confidence, and instill that confidence in both employees and customers. The decisions we helped them make prepared them to deal with the economic and market uncertainties. The techniques Global Aperture taught them became standard practice for the company.

Developing only a strategic plan often isn't enough. In order to succeed, your team must be on-board, aligned around your shared vision and approach, and committed to success.

Our approach to earning and building commitment is to ensure employees are involved, communicated with, and engaged early and often as you explore new ideas and solutions. Our alignment process offers a host of services that enhance personal communication skills, strengthen lines of communication across your entire organization, and involve employees in the planning process. Just some of the ways we can help:

  • Strategic Employee Events - events that build broad cross-functional support and accelerate the execution of strategic initiatives
  • Presentation Skills Training – prepare individual speakers and teams to maximize the clarity and impact of their presentations
  • Team Building – facilitate sessions that create openness, expose issues and bring the members closer
  • Presentation Development – create high-impact content and coach presenters for your most critical executive communications

Global Aperture’s alignment services not only help ensure the success of your strategic planning but also strengthen your entire organization.




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